Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Personal Statement Master Essay Sample free essay sample
I am making this announcement out of goal to region my contribution in utilizing for a Masters Degree Program ( MEng. ) in Electronic Systems Engineering for harvest time 2011. I have finished my bachelorââ¬â¢s grade ( B. E ) in Electrical Engineering in Dec 2009 from a college that has a background marked by around 90 mature ages of bring forthing top notch alumnuss. By and by I am filling in as a Trainee Service Engineer at a Finland based organization mainly perceived for its reasonable and trustworthy Power arrangements. I kept up first division all through my scholastic calling. I passed my B. E with 72 % Markss. During college degree I discovered Digital Signal Processing. Correspondence Systems. Instrumentation. Rationale structure A ; trading hypothesis and Integrated Circuits truly fascinating. For this ground I have chosen to take Masterss Program in Electronic Systems Engineering. The central thought processes in me to use to this arrangement are the co-usable nature of the level so I would determine proficient experience during the clasp of overview with a universal introduction and the conservative charge development. We will compose a custom article test on Individual Statement Master Essay Sample or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The module which involves actually incredibly qualified educators persuaded me that U of R is an ideal pick for me to arraign former student surveies in footings of cost of study and life. nature of guidance and universal experience. Other than my scholarly makings. I ardently accept that my work encounters would other than measure up me as a decent campaigner for this arrangement. As a Trainee Service Engineer at Wartsila. I worked with electrical consideration crew to ship out arranged and impromptu consideration at various locales of Wartsila power workss. During my occupation I have visited and The varying capable expertness that I procured at Wartsila are â⬠¢ Maintenance and meggering of alternators â⬠¢ Inspection of wellbeing checkpoints of enginesâ⬠¢ Megger Testing of motorsâ⬠¢ Relay testingâ⬠¢ AVR parametric amounts look intoingâ⬠¢ Engine motorization framework demonstrating e. g PLC I other than filled in as an Internee at Business unit Energy Automation ( EA ) gives an expansive extent of frameworks and answers for uplift the web proficiency. It helped me to comprehend essential builds of motorization. I embraced my closing twelvemonth endeavor named Working with one of the most basic bring forthing Stationss of helped me to infer an important encounter. In our endeavor we have considered the various mix-ups related with an electrical framework. their investigations. their detecting through grouped transfers and arranged insurance methodologies related with a creating and transmittal framework. Appropriately applied defensive handing-off starts the disjunction of the difficult nation while activity and administration in the rest of the framework proceed. Bing an of import crew member. I figured out how to pass on effectively with others colleague and pull off the endeavor effectively in footings of cutoff times. expenses and introductions other so capable compr ehension. With my scholastic foundation and pertinent experience. I am certain that I would have the option to execute great in this arrangement.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Aristotelian Perspectives on Social Ethics Essay -- Philosophy Medicin
Aristotelian Perspectives on Social Ethics I analyze the philosophical points of view of Aristotle on issues of clinical morals and on his social morals when all is said in done, including the ethical issues of fetus removal, willful extermination, and different issues of social morals, for example, the issue of cloning. I have picked the space of applied morals as saw from the Aristotelian perspective exactly on the grounds that specific issues have been for all intents and purposes unexamined by researchers. I will focus on specific treatises of the Aristotelian corpus, for example, On the History of Animals, On the Generation of Animals, On the Soul, The Nicomachean Ethics and The Politics. My principle objective is to give an increasingly methodical record of the Aristotelian points of view on the above dubious issues and to build up the Stagiriteââ¬â¢s fundamental way to deal with social morals. Hence, issues like the thought of personhood, his mentality towards death, and his hypothesis of the will and moral direct o f an ethical resident specialist will be analyzed. All through this examination, the nearby interrelation among reasoning and medication, both in ancient times and in current occasions, will likewise turn out to be increasingly clear. I. Premature birth Concerning the issue of premature birth Aristotle's perspectives are not considered as clear or steady all through. We will look at the applicable sections from both the natural and mental treatises regarding other of his contemporary â⬠or not â⬠clinical discoveries. In our endeavor to set up his fundamental methodology, we will likewise unfurl his perspectives on the more present day thoughts of personhood as they are analyzed in his moral and political works. As indicated by the Hippocratic promise, premature birth is taboo as ethically baseless. A doctor isn't to enable a lady to prematurely end he... ...Fye, Bruce W (1978): Dynamic Euthanasia: A Historical study of its theoretical beginnings and prologue to clinical idea, Bulletin of the History of Medicine 52, 492-502. Gracia, Diego (1978): The structure of clinical information in Aristotle's way of thinking, Sudhoff Archiv 62 (No.1), 1-36. Hartman, Edwin (1977): Aristotelian Investigation: Substance, Body and Soul, U.S.A.:Princeton University Press. Jaeger, Werner (1957): Aristotle's utilization of medication as a model of Method in his Ethics, Journal of the History of Science 77, 54-61. Kudlien, Fridolf (1970): Clinical Ethics and Popular Ethics in Greece and Rome, Clio Medica 5, 91-121. Veach, Robert M (1978): Codes of Medical Ethics: Ethical Analysis, Encyclopedia of Bioethics 4, 172-9. Westermack, Edward A (1906-8): The inceptions and advancement of the Moral Ideas, 2 vols., London: MacMillan and Co.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule and Post Roundup COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule and Post Roundup COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog In observance of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid will be closed starting tomorrow, November 21, at 2pm ET, and will be closed Thursday and Friday. Well reopen as usual on Monday, November 26. While were out, well leave you with some resources to help you out with your application. Heres a roundup of the most popular blog posts from the last few days: How NOT to write your personal statement The essay topics will change but the advice wont. Advice highlight: Thereâs nothing that upsets people more than when someone asks a question they couldâve easily found the answer to with a 30-second Google search. Heres a few Dos and Donts on Your SIPA Application Some good overall pointers as you go along preparing for applications. Advice highlight: We understand that most applicants are also applying to other graduate programs in addition to SIPA, however, it is important applicants are diligent and address their essay to the correct school. The last thing that you want to happen is to submit a very generic essay and then address it to the wrong school. Whats in an App: admissions video essay Remember, the video essay will be available to you after you finish the rest of the application and pay the application fee. Advice highlight: This isnât the be-all-end-all deciding factor for your admissions decision. This component provides the Admissions Committee a sense of who you are in person as well as your thought process and how you respond to questions. Preparation for grad school app Past student (and now alum!) Nancy Leeds shares advice she wished shed received when going through the process that youre going through now. Advice highlight: Visit the campus. Trying to distinguish between schools from their websites and viewbooks is kind of like online dating you wonât get a real feel for them until you meet them in person. We hope you all have a chance to share a meal with your loved ones this week, be it family or friends. Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, May 22, 2020
Campylobacter Jejuni - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1647 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Medicine Essay Type Essay any type Level High school Did you like this example? Campylobacter Jejuni Campylobacter jejuni is one of a family of bacteria known as Campylobacteriaceae that collectively are responsible for a significant number of reported cases of gastroenteritis in the UK. Gastrointestinal infection with Campylobacter spp. can produce significant long term sequelae, such as reactive arthritis and the neurological condition Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Campylobacter Jejuni" essay for you Create order This report will give a brief overview of campylobacter jejuni with regard to its microbiology, and the identification and management of campylobacter infection. Campylobacters were recognised as a cause of human illness in the 1970s, but were probably first identified in humans by Escherich in 1886, who identified spiral shaped bacteria of the colons of children who had died from a condition he called cholera infantum (Escherisch 1886). Veterinary research at the beginning of the twentieth century identified similar bacteria in livestock, and the bacteria (termed at the time vibrio or spirillium) was implicated in a number of reported cases in both animals and humans throughout the mid-twentieth century (Butzler 2004). The key breakthrough was reported in 1972, when Dekeyser and Butzler were able to isolate the bacteria now known as campylobacter jejuni from the stool of an infected patient (Dekeyser 1972). Campylobacter spp. are classified as part of rRNA superfamily VI, a cl assification of bacteria that also includes Helicobacter and Arcobacter (Vandamme 1991). Campylobacters, and other members of the classification, are small, gram-negative bacteria that are specially adapted to colonise the surface of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. This is reflected in the morphology of the bacteria, which has a spiral-shaped body with long unsheathed flagella at each tip. Consequently, Campylobacter are highly motile, and are able to tunnel through the mucous layer and colonise the membrane below, which is a key ability as they are highly susceptible to acidity. They are partially anaerobic, alongside other members of the classification, and undergo transformation to coccoid forms when exposed to adverse conditions (Moran 1987). Presently, 18 subspecies of Campylobacter have been identified and 11 of these are thought to be pathogenic in humans. By far the most common are campylobacter jejuni and campylobacter coli; together, these bacteria are a leadi ng cause of diarrhoeal illness. Principal risk factors for infection with campylobacter jejuni include the consumption of undercooked meat, especially poultry, inadequately pasteurised milk, contaminated water and pets with diarrhoea (Gillespie 2008). There may be human-human transmission via the faeco-oral route if personal hygiene is unsatisfactory (Wilson 2008). There is an incubation period of around 3 days, though this can range from 1-7 days. There is occasionally a prodromal illness of fever, myalgia and headache lasting around 24 hours, and patients who present with the prodromal illness often have a more severe infection than those presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms (Minton 2004). The principal illness is characterised by colicky, periumbical abdominal pain, pyrexia (the fever may be as high as 40à ¢?à °C) and profuse diarrhoea, often with up to 10 bowel movements each day. The stool may be watery initially, and blood may appear in the stool as the infection progresses. Around 25% of patients will experiences tenesmus (Minton 2004). Symptoms of diarrhoea generally last for up to 7 days, and abdominal pain may persist a little longer. The illness is generally self-limiting, though the prognosis can be worse in the very young, the elderly, those with comorbid condition and the immunocompromised (Nelson 2004). It is not possible to differentiate campylobacter infection from other causes of infective gastroenteritis based on history and examination findings alone (Buss 2015). Therefore, detection of campylobacter in a stool sample is the mainstay of diagnosis, though a negative sample cannot exclude the presence of campylobacter. Samples are rarely positive after two weeks. Stool samples should always be collected in patients presenting with these symptoms, as infection with campylobacter is a notifiable disease in England and Wales (NICE 2014). In a generally fit and well adult, the main risk of acute diarrhoea of any cause, inclu ding campylobacter, is dehydration. Therefore, maintaining adequate hydration is the cornerstone of treatment. This can generally be achieved by increasing oral fluid intake, but in vulnerable patients intravenous hydration may be indicated. Rehydration may be encouraged with the administration of Racecadotril. Racecadotril is an intestinal antisecretory enkephalinase inhibitor that inhibits the breakdown of endogenous enkephalins, reducing the hypersecretion of water and electrolytes into the intestine (NICE 2013). Racecadotril is licensed in the United Kingdom for the complimentary treatment of acute diarrhoea in patients aged greater than 3 months, together with oral rehydration. Though the symptoms of campylobacter infection are unpleasant and inconvenient, there is generally no indication for antimotility medications. In fact, unless the diagnosis is confirmed via the laboratory, these medications are contraindicated as toxic megacolon has been reported as an adverse effect of antimotility medications in patients with pseudomembranous colitis and inflammatory bowel disease (Minton 2004). Given the short duration and self-limiting nature of the condition, antibiotic therapy is generally not recommended. A Swedish meta-analysis of eleven randomised control trials reported that, versus placebo, antimicrobial therapy reduced the duration of intestinal symptoms by only 1.3 days (95% CI 0.6-2.0 days) (Ternhag 2007). A further review by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) reported that antibiotic treatment with erythromycin cleared the bacteria from stool samples rapidly, but had no effect on the course of the disease (NICE 2009). Problems exist with antibiotic-resistant species of campylobacter, largely due to antibiotic use in animals (Gallay 2007; Lehtopolko 2010). However, antibiotic therapy should be considered for patients with severe disease or at risk of severe disease. Patients with severe disease include individuals wit h bloody stools, high fever, extra intestinal infection, worsening or relapsing symptoms, or symptoms lasting longer than one week (Ruiz-Palacios 2007). Patients classified as at risk of severe disease include the immunocompromised, the elderly and pregnant women. NICE supports this, suggesting that antibiotic therapy may be indicated if any of the following occur (NICE 2014): High fever Bloody diarrhoea More than eight stools daily Worsening clinical condition Illness for over a week Pregnancy Immunocompromise Should an antibiotic be required, azithromycin and erythromycin are the most effective agents against campylobacter in the UK, with a single 30mg/kg dose of azithromycin early in the disease proving just as effective as a 5 day course of erythromycin (Vukelic 2010). The British National Formulary recommends a combination therapy of clarithromycin with ciprofloxacin as an alternative. There are a number of complications of campylobacter infection. Acute bacterial gastroenteritis has been linked with the onset of irritable bowel syndrome in around 15% of cases à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" this is termed post-infective IBS (Smith 2007). Further complications include Reiters Syndrome (a form of reactive arthritis characterised by urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis), and the neurological condition Guillain-Barre Syndrome. In summary, campylobacter jejuni is a gram negative, spiral shaped bacteria that colonises the mucous membranes of the gut. This colonisation produces a self-limitin g illness characterised by fever, cramping abdominal pains and diarrhoea. Infection is diagnosed via detection of the bacteria in a sample of faeces. The mainstay of treatment is rehydration à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" antibiotics are rarely indicated. References Buss S, Leber A, Chapin K, Fey P, Bankowski M, Jones M, Rogatcheva M, Kanack K, Bourzac K. (2015). Multicenter Evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray Gastrointestinal Panel for Etiologic Diagnosis of Infectious Gastroenteritis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 53(3) Butzler J-P 2004 Campylobacter, from obscurity to celebrity. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 10(10) Dekeyser, P, Gossuin-Detrain, M, Butzler, JP, and Sternon, J. 1972 Acute enteritis due to a related vibrio: first positive stool cultures. Journal of Infectious Diseases 125 Escherich, T. 1886 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Darmbacterien. III. Ueber das Vorkommen von Vibrionen im Darmcanal und den Stuhlgangen der Sauglinge. (Articles adding to the knowledge of intestinal bacteria. III. On the existence of vibrios in the intestines and feces of babies.). MÃÆ'à ¼nchener Med Wochenschrift. 33 Gallay A, Prouzet-MaulÃÆ'à ©on V, Kempf I, Lehours P, Labadi L, Camou C, Denis M, de Valk H, Desenclos JC, MÃÆ'à ©grau d F. 2007 Campylobacter antimicrobial drug resistance among humans, broiler chickens, and pigs, France. Emerging Infectious Diseases 13(2) Gillespie L, OBrien S, Penman C, Tomkins D, Cowden J, Humphrey T. 2008 Demographic determinants for Campylobacter infection in England and Wales: implications for future epidemiological studies. Epidemiology and Infection 136(12) Lehtopolku M, Nakari UM, Kotilainen P, Huovinen P, Siitonen A, Hakanen AJ. 2010 Antimicrobial susceptibilities of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli strains: in vitro activities of 20 antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 54(3) Minton J, Stanley P. 2004 Intra-Abdominal Infections. Clinical Medicine 4(6) Moran AP, Upton ME 1987 Factors affecting production of coccoid forms by Campylobacter jejuni on solid media during incubation. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 62(6) Nelson JM, Smith KE, Vugia DJ, Rabatsky-Ehr T, Segler SD, Kassenborg HD, Zansky SM, Joyce K, Marano N, Hoekstra RM, Angulo FJ. 2004 Prolonged diarrhea due to ciprofloxacin-resistant campylobacter infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases 190(6) NICE. (2013). Acute diarrhoea in children: racecadotril as an adjunct to oral rehydration. Available: https://www.nice.org.uk/advice/esnm12. Last accessed March 23rd 2015. NICE. (2009). CG84 Diarrhoea and vomiting in children: Diarrhoea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis: diagnosis, assessment and management in children younger than 5 years. Available: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg84. Last accessed March 23rd 2015. NICE. (2014). Gastroenteritis. Available: https://cks.nice.org.uk/gastroenteritis. Last accessed March 23rd 2015. Ruiz-Palacios GM 2007. The health burden of Campylobacter infection and the impact of antimicrobial resistance: playing chicken. Clinical Infectious Diseases 44(5) Smith JL, Bayles D. 2007 Postinfectious irritable bowel syndrome: a long-term consequence of bacterial gastroenteritis. Journal of Food Protection 70(7) Ternhag A, Asikainen T, Giesecke J, Ekdahl K. 2007 A meta-analysis on the effects of antibiotic treatment on duration of symptoms caused by infection with Campylobacter species. Clinical Infectious Diseases 44(5) Vandamme P, Falsen E, Rossau R, Hoste B, Segers P, Tytgat R, De Ley J 1991 Revision of Campylobacter, Helicobacter, and Wolinella taxonomy: emendation of generic descriptions and proposal of Arcobacter gen. nov. International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 41(1) Vukelic D, Trkulja V, Salkovic-Petrisic M. 2010 Single oral dose of azithromycin versus 5 days of oral erythromycin or no antibiotic in treatment of campylobacter enterocolitis in children: a prospective randomized assessor-blind study. Journal of Pedatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 50(4) Wilson D, Gabriel E, Leatherbarrow A, Cheesbrough J, Gee S, Bolton E, Fox A, Fearnhead P, Hart C, Diggle P. 2008 Tracing the Source of Campylobacteriosis. PLoS Genetics 26; 4(9)
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Finding the Best Optional Essay Mba Samples
Finding the Best Optional Essay Mba Samples Lies You've Been Told About Optional Essay Mba Samples People are unable to manage two squares of meals daily. Real individuals are reading your program, and we would like to do our very best to understand and appreciate the actual individuals applying to Duke. There's a correct method to inform your story. The title should stick out from the remainder of the text. As you proceed through the procedure, you will understand a more powerful, logical and impactful version emerging. The Bizarre Secret of Optional Essay Mba Samples In an identical purchase form, you're offer your name, email, and contact form. For some, the information included in the resume may appear redundant. Please limit your additional info to the space in this part. Don't neglect to include all the required information. Because the essay is open-ended you may also utilize it to bring any extra information you wished to inform the admissions committee about. Seriously, there are dozens and dozens of applicants and if you don't express your necessity your application will wind up lying with all the rest weak entries. In rare instances, MBA programs do not demand test scores of any applicants. Consult your mentor or admissions consultant, but the next template mig ht enable you to get started. The One Thing to Do for Optional Essay Mba Samples You don't need to lose different applicants only because you neglect to satisfy important deadlines or lack enough time to do your very best. An MBA is a vital part of my career objectives, and as such plays a crucial part in achieving my life objectives. Simply take a GMAT practice test with us under the exact conditions as the actual thing. In the event the rest of the application does a superior job for a candidate, then leave out the optional essay, explains Alex. It isn't an essay that needs to be used, if there is not any reason to utilize it. A standard result can make a weak supplemental essay. You may be thinking that everything sounds fantastic, and that what sounds best is you don't in fact have to compose the optional essay. If you are searching for assistance with your essay then we provide a comprehensive writing service given by fully qualified academics in your area of study. Whether you opt to compose an essay or prepare a presentation, have a step back from the distinctive format and consider the question strategically. When you finish the essay writing procedure, you are going to have crystal clear understanding on what is missing in your application. The only key isn't to use the optional essay only for the interest of using it. Understanding of vital components of succeeding from the very inception will result in the life objectives and plans formation. Simply speaking, it's simple to observe how commitment to an idea provides an extensive collection of possibilities to showcase various elements of your candidacy. Don't just lob in a wonderful story, since you can. The problem of unemployment isn't a little problem that might be easily uprooted by the society. If you take care of this, you run the chance of harming your general application. While applying, you might experience that the application procedure can be taxing. Many people losses their employment as a result of this reason. On the reverse side, if you're able to answer the question in four sentences, you can want to put a bit more thought into it. If it is possible to clarify and offer the required context in merely a few sentences, do that. If you just need a couple of sentences to receive your point across, then do so. The sentences should be short, unambiguous and offer the reader with a transparent comprehension of any upcoming action to take. Ok, I Think I Understand Optional Essay Mba Samples, Now Tell Me About Optional Essay Mba Samples! Please resist the need to include things like an essay you already wrote for another school. The optional essay may also demonstra te that you're seriously interested in attending a specific law school. Like a good deal of other small business schools, Babson gives you the chance to submit an optional essay, in other words, an essay as well as the three required. Simply state which you were not mature enough to concentrate on academics early in college and supply an illustration of how you're now ready for rigorous academic work.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Napoleon Is Bad Free Essays
Hello comrades, today right this second, I am supporting Snowball because he is not a thieving liar, a pig of trust and a pig with honor. He is the real pig behind the farm; not Napoleon. He has saved many animals during the Battle of Cowshed and he too shed blood. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Napoleon Is Bad or any similar topic only for you Order Now Napoleon, he is the real liar he has done nothing contributing to the leadership of the society! He is the traitor and not Snowball because he is the one with the ideas and with his heart so bright; brighter than the sun. His heart so pure, the purest even. And we have Napoleon. His heart so dark and evil it almost conceals him and no light can even be seen in his heart. We cannot trust this man of hell. He is the fake leader of this movement, he is not kind, he will never careless about the animals and he will never be pure of heart because he is consumed by the evil within him the greed, the thirst for power, the abuse of power he has acquired. He will have a tongue of lies which god may even curse and a life full of sin ahead of him. I do not encourage the leadership of Napoleon. In stead I would let Snowball a true believer take on the challenge because I feel that he who is pure at heart will be our leader and not a pig with a thirst for too much power. And when either takes over who shall be the one? My guess is simple. Snowball the Great Leader. He is the one who fought bravely for the animals, the one who loves the animals to heartââ¬â¢s content! He is not a coward, not an idiot and down to earth and he deserves your support and he does not deserve Napoleon to backstab him! He is the very best of his league the very best strategist. The animals are not doing this for fun! They are doing it for the sake of their society everything they do is for them and they deserve a leader like Snowball. They deserve better! They deserve the intellectual Snowball he always looked at other ways to solve problems and never failed! He is the chosen one. He is the one who will lead for the future. He is pure. He is not one of those people who would not give a damn if someone was hurt he is caring and he is honest that is the best thing about him. He has chased our beloved Snowball of the farm! EVEN THAT SHOULD BE A SIGN! He is the traitor! He must be subjected to mutiny! Throw him in the pits at the least! He has done nothing for the people but only for his own affairs! They do not accept domination over the animals they are all EQUAL! No one will be unequal! No one shall have more power than others! No animal shall have as much power as the humans because they themselves have seen how power has corrupted the human race! They are against the policy to be unequal are they not? Or are we just slaves to our own kind? It is up to you! But I say HE IS EVIL! Snowball believes in equality does he not? He protected them! Until this tyrant has taken over and put their days of Jones back in action! Napoleon believes in creating fear! And using the animals for himself! He trained the dogs for his own protection not for theirs! The creator of this revolution has blessed Snowball! Old Major himself! Do not forget what they stand for! Do not forget how they must stand for their principles! DO NOT TRUST THE TRAITOR! DO NOT FOLLOW HIS TYRANNICAL JUDGEMENT! He has killed! Is that not against the 7 Commandments? He sleeps in a bed too and influenced the pigs that were not corrupt! He is not to be trusted! Not to be trusted with power of the country! And their leader abuses the power! Snowball would never do that! He would never give into corruption! He was the best, one and only true leader of this movement! Cheers. How to cite Why Napoleon Is Bad, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Soul Descartes And Locke Essays - Philosophy Of Mind
The Soul: Descartes And Locke Out of all the philosophers we have examined in this unit, Ren? Descartes (On Thinking and the Soul) presents the best argument about what a soul and body are. In contrast, I believe that Locke's interpretation of the body, mind, soul and self was my least favorite interpretation. Ren? Descartes believed the soul is a pure, unitary thinking thing that has no weight and occupies no space. The soul, according to Descartes, has clear and distinct ideas of matters that can be conceived of in mathematical terms. The body, according to Descartes, is a material thing that operates mechanically, in accordance of cause and effect. The body moves mechanically through muscles and nerves and generates its own heat. Identity, Descartes believed, comes from the soul. The body acts as a container for the soul and is completely separate from a person's identity. Descartes also believed that thoughts in the soul depend only on the soul and not on the body. Therefore, since the only thing that the sou l can do is think than he must be a soul. Locke believed that Descartes equation of the soul is completely false. Locke noted that if the soul left the body during sleep (Descartes) than it could body hop into other individual. This outcome of Descartes theory is completely absurd to Locke. Locke believed that the identity of a person comes from his/her body. According to Locke, the ?same soul? criterion used by Descartes won't do as an explanation. He believed that same matter could not be used as a criterion for human identity because matter in ones body turns over through the death of old cells and the birth of new ones. I agree with Descartes notion of self-identity because the soul is separate from the body. I believe that ones body is plagued with several particulars such as hair, arms, legs etc. The soul is a universal entity, meaning everyone has one. I disagree with Locke's account of the body as a person's identity because he believed that people could lose consciousness o r memory over parts of their lives. This lost part of someone's life would cause that person to change his/her identity. I believe that if the soul is the thinking agent and if it is universal, than it could not and would not lose consciousness or memory, causing a person to keep his/her original identity. Rather, when consciousness or memory is lost, it is lost due to the imperfections found in a person's material shell, the body I believe, thanks to Descartes, that a person has two separate entities. The first is the body. The body is made up of particulars and other matter that allows it to function like a container. The second entity is the soul. Here, all thinking processes are done, the function of the brain is to separate the sensations throughout the body. Psychology
Friday, March 20, 2020
Historical Dinner Party Completed Essays
Historical Dinner Party Completed Essays Historical Dinner Party Completed Essay Historical Dinner Party Completed Essay said each men to themselves quietly, l like this word. Mums then raised his glass of water in the air and yelled, To my Brose! and each men followed and they all linked their glasses together laughing heartily. This act surely began to break their awkwardness towards each other as they were all comfortable with each other now. After a few more moments of brotherly bonding, it was time to get serious so Rampages II spoke out among the men, My men, enough of this, I say we get down to business and begin our discussion on four of these events listed in this here Events Menu. Each men picked up the menu and began looking over the events from the time period of which they were given, the 1 sass to the present day, 1914. After some browsing, the men voted on their first vent. They chose to discuss the establishment of the Womens Trade Union League (WTLS) in 1903, which advocated for improved wages and working conditions in factories and workplaces for women. Rampages II spoke first. In a shocked tone, he spoke, I am most certainly surprised to find that Women are treated in such a way where they have to fight for their rights! They should already have those rights of which they are fighting for! The women of this country and any other county should be equal to men and should be treated just like men are. They should be treated no more differently than the men of today are. Back in Egypt, the women had just about the same rights that the men did. They were able to manage, own, or even sell their own private property which also included slaves, land, and livestock. I for one certainly approve of this movement and I am willing to join in if could. I demand for the women of this so called great country to have equal rights with men. Each men nodded in approval of Rampages Siss thoughts. My friend, said Mums, I for one completely agree with you. As a Muslim believe that women should in fact be treated better. The working conditions which they face in factories is just plain wrong. I believe that there should be a change in how women are treated in this sockeyes day and age. Our women should be cherished and kep t safe. The working conditions must be improved and they must obtain better wages. Oh how I wish I could help these women by improving the conditions of the factories tenfold with all my money, so they can work in better environments. Ah yes a fellow Muslim, rejoices Shah Johan, Salaam alike, my dear brother of Islam. Wa- alike salaam, brother, replies Mums with a smile. l for one fully agree with you my brother, Mums, continues Shah Johan. You include some very important factors. But if I may add, these women surely should not be fighting for their rights right now, because they should clearly already have them. It is such a pity that women are treated like this. Oh how times have clearly changed. Next up to speak was Castro, who seemed to have a creepy smile on his face. He he, you guys want know how many women lye gotten with over the years? A lot! Shah Johan disgusted replies, Well have you really ever loved a woman so much that you built a large and beautifully structured building to house her grave in? I think not, so shut up and get back on task. You want fight? replies Castro. No, says Shah Johan with a serious face. Thought so, you little punk! says Castro despite being filled with fear. Anyways, agree with Rampages II. Mean women have always been treated like this really its actually no surprise for me, but yeah women really need to be treated better because the way that society is god awful. Not only do they have to work in pips-poor conditions, but at the end of the day, they also have families to go back to. They have their own children to see and take care of, and their husband too. What a disaster it would be if one day a mother goes off to work and leaves her children at school, but would then ever come home because of a fatal injury at the factory leaving her dead, and leaving her children motherless. Oh what a cruel country this is. Also fully support these women for going out of their way and joining the labor force despite it not being much of a socially acceptable act. They really deserve these opportunities to work so they can show that they are just as hardworking and Strong as men. l am truly sorry to say this, began Sin Shih Hang, but I must disagree with each and every one of you fellows. Women clearly should not be working. Why else would there be men? Why should the omen take over the jobs of the men? Do men take over the jobs of women, and take care of the children and stay at home all day? No, dont think so. So why should women be able to do the jobs of men? Women are not fit to have the same jobs as men. They should definitely not be working. They should stay at home and take care of the children and cook food for their family O. End of story. Him, that is an interesting take Sin Shih Hang, replies Continual. l fully respect you for your thoughts, although I still think that the women should indeed have better rights, and should not be treated the way they are. They definitely need better working conditions and better wages because they too have families to take care of. Ah so that is what everyone thinks yes? said Mums. Well great! Each and every one of you did a wonderful job explaining your ideas, and they were area Ill well thought out too! However, now it is time for even more serious business What do you guys want for dinner? Let us take a look at our menus okay? With that, everyone began browsing through the tasty menu options which the restaurant had for dinner. Shah Johan and Mums both being of Islamic faith ordered a unique and ravishing hall dinner. Rampages II ordered a traditional Egyptian feast. Sin Shih Hang too ordered a traditional feast. However, both Continual and Castro ordered more modern and tasty dinners. Now that everyone has decided what they are going to have for dinner, we shall discuss another event while waiting for our unique and exquisite dinners. Let us pick! exclaimed Mums. After some deciding the six figures decided on discussing the new era of transportation which has begun on September 1st, 1897 with the first underground public transportation in North America, known as the subway, being opened in Boston, Massachusetts 1 . Rampages II was the first to speak again. I must say this new feat of transportation is truly magnificent. Oh how I wish had one of these back in Egypt. Rely would have been the most powerful person alive at that time. With this faster and more efficient way of transportation, it will surely be easier to travel to foreign regions and conquer them much quicker. This subway will also help travel to new lands much faster too. Yes, began Sin Shih Hang, not only will it help conquer lands much quicker, but it will also help unify countries much quicker by being able to travel to the other cities and/or towns much more rapidly. Oh how I wish these were around in my time so could have unified China much quicker than did. With the extra time would have saved from unifying quicker, I could have thought of ways to better my country even more! Marvelous! exclaims Mums, this is subway looks wonderful to have. Wish to buy on immediately with my wealth. Im sure it wont cost much as I am, in fact, the worlds richest man. This fine mode of transportation would have also been useful for when went on my wonderful pilgrimage with gold and resources and people so I could have gotten there much faster and easier! Yes subways will be very essential to everyones needs, says Shah Johan. l agree very much with what you guys say Rampages II and Sin Shih Hang. The subway would be very essential in conquering foreign lands, and in unifying countries together at a much more efficient rate. Also, it will become one of the best ways to transport goods and the like no doubt! People from all over the country will be able to have new and better resources with the subways bringing in all kinds of things from different parts of the country! They will surely cut travel time by more than half as well! What new places we would be able to explore! Yes I see where everyone is going with this, states Continual. The subway will very much improve transportation overall. People would be able to visit their family and friends all over the country at a much faster rate. Also not only that, but travel prices will surely be low as well so that even normal families and people can visit their loved ones possibly across the whole country for just a reasonable amount of money! This invention sure was revolutionary, states Castro as he was the only one among the five other figures who has ever rode on a subway. The subways really helped get people from one point to another such more efficiently than cars and buses ever did. The people loved the subways. They rode on them every day. People would often use them to go to work, and others used them to go to parks and schools and other places as well. It surely decreased normal travel time by car and bus by a lot. Everyone loved the subways. claimed Castro. So it seems that everyone agrees on the creation of the subway being a wonderful new invention, how splendid! But know something thats even more splendid! Ou r dinner is here! Let us all chow down on our magnificent dinners before continuing further with our lightly discussion. So as the historical figures ate away at their delicious dinners, they cracked some more jokes and bonded together even more. Ah that was quite the feast we had, said Sin Shih Hang with a stuffed tummy. l have never in my life tasted something as amazing as my dinner! Everyone else with stuffed tummies nodded as best they could, and with that Sin Shih Hang let out a huge burp, to which everyone laughed at, and to show their appreciation for his burp, they all let out even louder burps. My friends, started Continual, l believe it is time for us to pick our third event to issues. With that the friends picked up the Events Menu and began browsing for another event once again. This time the group decided to discuss the event which occurred on December 1 20th, 1898 which marked the end of the Spanish-American war which began on April 25, 1898. The Treaty of Paris was signed to end the war, and as a result, Spain had to reluctantly hand over their control over Cuba, Puerco Rice, the Philippines Islands, Guam, and other islands to the United States 213. Renames II began the discussion by stating, I believe this war was necessary because in order to solve spites and problems, we must go to war, and of course the winner will get what they Want. Here we can tell that the countries which Spain had control over wanted freedom and independence so in order for them to gain that independence, they had to go to war and fight for it, or else they would never achieve their goal. Yes countries should indeed take initiative and fight for their freedom to get what they desire. It is their only hope in getting what they want. However, they should really learn how to be more unified. If a country is not unified, then they will surely fall out of their power and they will rumble along with their cities. I understand what you guys are saying however, I must intervene and say that I disagree with you. War is not always the answer, pleads Mums. There are plenty of other routes which you can take to achieve your goal. With war comes the deaths of hundreds or thousands or even millions. This is not a pretty sight. Countries need to find better ways to settle disputes rather than risking innocent peoples lives. The lives of mothers and their c hildren and the elderly and brave men shouldnt be a cost of war. War will only ever bring violence amongst the nations peoples. It just isnt right. I hear you my fellow brother, begins Shah Johan. Most of what you are saying I must agree upon, however, sometimes it is better to go to war than do nothing at all and let your people die of hunger and let them be destroyed by the other nation attacking you. Sometimes when there is no other option, must you go to war. In the long run, though some lives will be lost, but once you win, it will benefit you by guaranteeing you that your people will survive and they will carry on remembering you and what you did for them, and what you did for the future of the nation, lectured Shah Johan. Personally was not happy with the outcomes of the war, exclaims Continual with deep hatred. My people and believed ourselves to be free, however, then everything changed when the United States attacked. The United States decided to buy my beloved country and take control of it. We were so close to our freedom but then it was all taken away. My people and I had to fight for our freedom once again. I was even captured by the Americans which ended up cutting my presidency short. It was a tough battle all of it, but now were just lucky to have our freedom and independence at last, sighs Continual in relief. My god, replies Mums in disbelief, you my friend have clearly had it rough. May Allah grant you and your people With long lasting independence and peace. You deserve it brother. Thank you very much Mums! Yes! exclaimed Castro, You see? Gondolas fight for freedom just proves that in order for countries to get what they want, they must obviously fight for it and strive towards their goal. You have to do what is best for your country no matter the costs at stake. You must make some sacrifices to achieve the best, and sometimes those sacrifices are drastic but you just goat do what you goat do. Him good, everyone had such great things to say to contribute to the discussion, said Mums with joy, you all did great explaining your thoughts, but you want know whats even more great? DESSERT YEAH!!! screamed Mums. WAHOO!!! they all screamed and cheered in excitement. Let us order Our desserts my friends! rejoiced Mums. WASSAILS! they all screamed again. The six historical figures who wer e thought to be wise old men, turned out to be little kids when it came to dessert. They all ordered the best ice cream money could buy them and if they did not have any money, Mums told them that he loud spot them. At first not knowing what ice cream was, Rampages Mums, Shah Johan, and Sin Shih Hang were going to order their traditional desserts, but then Castro and Continual informed them of the most wonderful delicacy known to man, ice cream. At first reluctant to try, the two persuaded the other four to try something new for once, and after some persuading they agreed. Now that we have ordered our desserts, let us choose our next and last event to discuss! exclaimed Castro. After a while the friends chose to discuss the presentation of the physicist Max Planck to the German Physical Society about his Quantum Theory, which is basically the theoretical basis of modern physics that analyzes the nature and behavior of matter and energy on both the atomic and subatomic level 15. Quick to respond, Rampages II awfully brain-hurt questioned, In all my life I have never heard of such gibberish before, however, despite not knowing what this means, it sounds pretty impressive. Applaud Planck for this great discovery of his, and surely his hard work had not gone to waste with this theory of his. Believe that education can enable one to go further on in what they believe. It will help them greatly with their lives, and help them achieve great things. said Rampages II. Yes education is very powerful, begins Sin Shih Hang, it can really help a person reach very great feats, such as this Planck person. We can see how much thought he has put into his research to come up with such a theory. With education, it can drive people to do great things. They will be able to do things no person has ever been able to do before, says Sin Shih Hang. Having knowledge and an education are one of the greatest things an individual can have, states Mums. With just a small drop of knowledge, one an achieve wondrous things in their lives. Everyone should have such an opportunity to learn and gain knowledge, it will benefit them in so many ways, in which they have never seen or heard of. This is why during my pilgrimage to Hajj, helped pay for and build many libraries, universities, and mosques so that the people in those regions could suck in the knowledge which they would gain from the universities 6. I only hope that they put their knowledge to the test and utilize it to help the people all around them, preached Mums. L totally agree with you my brother, said Shah Johan. What you say, Mums, is very true. It is truly a blessing to be able to obtain an education, and use it to help the world around you. People should have the right to gain knowledge no matter what. Planck is clearly very lucky to receive such an education in the field of science that he was able to come up with such a marvelous theory. What an amazing man he is. Yes education is very important as all of you have stated, said Continual. Without an education one will be held back from being able to accomplish great things in their lives. They wont have the chance to actually do something with their lives and actually make something of it as well. Mums, you speak wise words, my friend, stated Castro, everyone should be able to have an education no matter what. Education is important for each and every individual to have. It will help them succeed greatly in life 7. Having knowledge will help strengthen the mind and body to do great things. As we can see, Planck was able to come up with this theory due to his great mind being able to do conjure up such an elaborate discovery. I say we raise our glasses up to education and applaud this Planck fellow! Huzzah! yelled Castro. To education! they all yelled in unison. So I see that we can all agree upon the act that knowledge is power, and education is great, but the greatest thing Of all is ICE CREAM WHICH IS ON ITS WAY TOWARDS US!!! exclaimed Mums in excitement. YEASTS! the men yelled together. As soon as each and every one of the men got their plate affine ice cream, they quickly devoured it in a heartbeat and demanded for more. The men went at the ice cream again and again. They had ever tasted such a delicacy before. It was so good, that the men began to form tears of joy, but they didnt care, they were eating the best ice cream known to man. My men, now that have dined on the most amazing dinner and dessert ever, and we have finished discussing the events from the time period of the sass to the present day, 1914, I know of one more surprise in store, waiting for us, said Continual. As you all know, today is New Years Eve and lucky for us we are sitting in the right spot to witness the spectacular event which will occur in just a mere 10 minutes. You guys know what it is? What is it? The men all questioned. The ball drop in Times Square, my friends, Continual said with a smirk on his face. Come, let us go to the roof of this large building and witness the magnificent glory of the ball rope in Times Square, we have 9 minutes left, my friends. With that the group of friends went up to the roof of the building along with a whole lot more ice cream, and they chatted and cracked jokes and had fun al l while waiting for the ball to drop. Once it dropped, each men stared in awe at the beautiful and majestic flurry of confetti flying all over the sky. They all hugged each other and cried like men should and rejoiced very loudly. They were screaming at the top of their manly lungs, hoping to make the moments last until they each had to leave one-by-one sooner or later. Whilst yelling, the en began to notice that they were all vanishing and disappearing. Quickly as to not let any more time be wasted, the strong and powerful men each said there last farewell to each other. These farewells were also met with lots and lots of manly tears. Until next time. They said to one another as they felt themselves disappearing.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Know-Nothing Party Opposed Immigration to America
The Know-Nothing Party Opposed Immigration to America Of all the American political parties in existence in the 19th century, perhaps none generated more controversy than the Know-Nothing Party, or the Know-Nothings. Officially known as the American Party, it originally emerged from secret societies organized to violently oppose immigration to America. Its shadowy beginnings, and popular nickname, meant it would eventually go downà in history as something of a joke. Yet in their time, the Know-Nothings made their dangerous presence known- and no one was laughing. The party unsuccessfully ran candidates for president, including, in one disastrous effort, former president Millard Fillmore. While the party failed at the national level, in local races the anti-immigrant message was often very popular. Adherents to the Know-Nothings strident message also served in Congress and at various local levels of government. Nativism in America As immigration from Europe increased in the early 1800s, citizens who had been born in the United States began to feel resentment at the new arrivals. Those opposed to immigrants became known as nativists. Violent encounters between immigrants and native-born Americans would occasionally occur in American cities in the 1830s and early 1840s. In July 1844, riots broke out in the city of Philadelphia. Nativists battled Irish immigrants, and two Catholic churches and a Catholic school were burned by mobs. At least 20 people were killed in the mayhem. In New York City, Archbishop John Hughes called upon the Irish to defend the original St. Patrickââ¬â¢s Cathedral on Mott Street. Irish parishioners, rumored to be heavily armed, occupied the churchyard, and the anti-immigrant mobs that had paraded in the city were scared off from attacking the cathedral. No Catholic churches were burned in New York. The catalyst for this upsurge in the nativist movement was an increase in immigration in the 1840s, especially the great numbers of Irish immigrants who flooded East Coast cities during the years of the Great Famine in the late 1840s. Theà fear at the time sounded much like fears expressed about immigrants today: outsiders will come in and take jobs or perhaps even seize political power. Emergence of the Know-Nothing Party Several small political parties espousing nativist doctrine existed in the early 1800s, among them the American Republican Party and the Nativist Party. At the same time, secret societies, such as the Order of United Americans and the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, sprang up in American cities. Their members were sworn to keep immigrants out of America, or at least to keep them segregated from mainstream society once they arrived. Members of established political parties were at times baffled by these organizations, as their leaders would not publicly reveal themselves. And members, when asked about the organizations, were instructed to answer, ââ¬Å"I know nothing.â⬠Hence, the nickname for the political party that grew out of these organizations, the American Party, formed in 1849. Know-Nothing Followers The Know-Nothings and their anti-immigrant and anti-Irish fervor became a popular movement for a time. Lithographs sold in the 1850s depict a young man described in a caption as Uncle Sams Youngest Son, Citizen Know Nothing. The Library of Congress, which holds a copy of such a print, describes it by noting the portrait is representing the nativist ideal of the Know Nothing Party. Many Americans, of course, were appalled by the Know-Nothings. Abraham Lincoln expressed his own disgust with the political party in a letter written in 1855. Lincoln noted that if the Know-Nothings ever took power, the Declaration of Independence would have to be amended to say that all men are created equal except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics. Lincoln went on to say he would rather emigrate to Russia, where despotism is out in the open, than live in such an America. The Partys Platform The basic premise of the party was a strong, if not virulent, stand against immigration and immigrants. Know-Nothing candidates had to be born in the United States. And there was also a concerted effort to agitate to change the laws so that only immigrants who had lived in the U.S. for 25 years could become citizens. Such a lengthy residency requirement for citizenship had a deliberate purpose: it would mean that recent arrivals, especially the Irish Catholics coming to the U.S. in great numbers, would not be able to vote for many years. Performance in Elections The Know-Nothings organized nationally throughout the early 1850s, under the leadership of James W. Barker, a New York City merchant and political leader. They ran candidates for office in 1854, and had some success in local elections in the northeast. In New York City, a notorious bare-knuckles boxer named Bill Poole, also known as Bill the Butcher, led gangs of enforcers who would fan out on election days, intimidating voters.à In 1856 former president Millard Fillmore ran as the Know-Nothing candidate for president. The campaign was a disaster. Fillmore, who had originally been a Whig, refused to subscribe to the Know-Nothingââ¬â¢s obvious prejudice against Catholics and immigrants. His stumbling campaign ended, not surprisingly, in a crushing defeat (James Buchanan won on the Democratic ticket, beating Fillmore as well as Republican candidate John C. Fremont). End of the Party In the mid-1850s, the American Party, which had been neutral on the slavery issue, came to align itself with the pro-slavery position. As the power base of Know-Nothings was in the northeast, that proved to be the wrong position to take. The stance on slavery probably hastened the decline of the Know-Nothings. In 1855, Poole, the partys main enforcer, was shot in a barroom confrontation by a rival from another political faction. He lingered for nearly two weeks before dying, andà tens of thousands of spectators gathered as his body was carried through the streets of lower Manhattan during his funeral. Despite such shows of public support, the party was fracturing. According to anà 1869 obituary of Know-Nothing leader James W. Barker in the New York Times, Barker had essentially left the party in the late 1850s and threw his support behind Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln in the election of 1860.à By 1860, the Know-Nothings Party was essentially a relic, and ità joined the list ofà extinct political partiesà in America. Legacyà The nativist movement in America did not begin with the Know-Nothings, and it certainly didnââ¬â¢t end with them. Prejudice against new immigrants continued throughout the 19th century. And, of course, it has never ended completely.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Introduction to Psycology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Introduction to Psycology - Essay Example Psychology is an amalgamation of knowledge acquired either through theories read, through education and logical and scientific connection of mental operations and behavior or performance. It is an understanding developed through knowledge and skills to numerous areas of human activities, encompassing concerns of daily activities viz. education, actions, populace and their task, employment, association, involvement, relationship as well as the treatment of mental health difficulties (Psychology and Its Importance). All this can never be attained through common sense unless an individual go through a proper training and accomplish methodical and systematic knowledge. Common sense is developed when we experience a situation, and is a gradual process unless an individual witness it but the judgment and insight to grasp the circumstances is realized when we have an in-depth awareness and background information about the reaction of the situation posed. It is here the psychology plays the role. Even if one is not exposed to the similar situation in past but still have immense potential to tackle the situation and reach the solution; because psychology engage various sub-areas of study and relevance related with different aspects of human development, sports education, physical condition, business, media as well as the regulation, investigation from the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Psychology is imperative as it engross the study of behavior and mental processes. Each and every action performed is very much related to or with psychology. Psychology, primarily studies who and what we are, why we are like that, why we act and think like that and what we could be as a person (Psychology and Its Importance). Psychology is approved to have a firm place in the treatment of various diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and some other Neurological diseases. Researchers are conducting studies to develop an understanding to treat the patients through psychotherapy apart from medicines to alleviate different illnesses. Moreover, psychology teaches us to control mind, uncontrolled and unguided mind will drag us down (Psychology and Its Importance). The processes of social and family relations, career development and political organization take on new meaning when comparing the environmental influences on behavior. In examining the impact of environmental influences, explain how culture impacts behavior. In particular, describe how the differences between individualist and collectivist cultures manifest themselves when considering these three processes. Explain how these differences affect personal identity and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two cultural perspectives. Psychology aids in building and strengthening relationship making everyday lives better, it improve daily communication, through effective speaking, comprehending the actions and gestures, builds self confidence and hence enriches careers, by understanding co-workers and their behaviors and dealings (Psychology and Its Importance). Various literatures on the psychological significance contribute to our understanding of the exchange relationship between employees and their employer. (Thomas, 2003). Individualism stands for a society in which the ties between persons are loose: everybody is predictable to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family. Individuals belonging to this
Monday, February 3, 2020
Personal Income Tax and Revenue Forecasting Research Paper
Personal Income Tax and Revenue Forecasting - Research Paper Example diminishing amount of revenue in the past three years in the month of December to January and April to May as the fiscal year comes to an end with an average rate of 15% and the revenue collection amount is registered high in the month of December every fiscal year. From the table of distribution of revenue collection in each year, the observation reveals that the revenue collection has been growing each year from the past financial year. Thus, given that the revenue collection amount in the month of May has the pattern of decreasing by 15% from the collection of April, then the revenue amount that is likely to be collected on May of 2001 is expected to be 586,743 - (586,743*15%) = 586,743 ââ¬â 88,011.45 = 498,731.55 makka. If the amount of revenue that is likely to be collected in May is 498,731.55 makka, the revenue collection for the fiscal year June 2000-May 2001 will amount to 940,975.1 + 967,098.4 + 841,267.5 + 874,308.1 + 887,091.4 + 936,090.7 + 1,304,961.7 + 714,981 + 575,115 + 583,592 + 586,743 + 498,731.55 = 5,200,214.95 makka. Thus, the ministry target of revenue collection of 778,900 makka, given the past revenue pattern, will fail to be realized and will be required to be reviewed to a target of 5,200,214.95 makka. The factor that may affect the pattern of the revenue collection in Vadar Republic can be an economic scenario in the overall state and in the region which includes the economic trend (Baumol and Blinder 389). During the different months within the budget cycle, different economic events might be happening in some months that boost the income level of the citizen and returns of businesses in that particular period. For instance, during the month of December the country registers the highest level of revenue collection. This could be contributed to the festive season that accompanies the month of December, which means a lot of people engage in activities that increase the revenue that businesses make. A high revenue on the part of the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Energy Is The Most Important Resources
Energy Is The Most Important Resources Energy is the most important of all resources, while sustainability concept is focuses on the long term survival of communities. The energy and sustainability had to be balance up. Ecological studies include the result of resource consumption and the technology systems have to move toward sustainability. Basically energy can be divided into renewable and non-renewable energy. Energy and sustainability had become an important aspect and current issue around the global. Energy is an important and essential to continuing the economic growth and generates the wealth of the country. Natural resources are one of the resources that human consume to generate the energy. But the most important issue is how technology can contribute to generating the solution maintaining sustainability. Energy production, primary and end-use of energy and quality of energy are the important aspect while discussing the energy resources and use. The main energy production mostly comes from fossil fuels, by converting them into a suitable final form of energy supply and used by the people. Other than that other energy sources such as thermal sources and hydroelectric sources and nuclear sources are being consumed by the nation. The quality of the energy, a well planning and strategies of use of energy is required in order for the energy in the planet to be sustainable. Furthermore the most important is the renewable energy sources must be develops and improves. On the other hand, the side effect of the consumption of the energy such as resource depletion, waste management, and the destruction of the environment must take into consideration. New Resource Sustainability involves practical recognition of the need for global and intergenerational equity, and sustainability is a necessary concept to focuses on the long-term survival of communities. In practice, sustainability involves social, political, economic, and environment aspects. The important of technology development is to increase the labor productivity and miniaturization. The quality of life, standard of living, and the latter had increasing the tension in the society. Due to the awareness of the limits to economic growth has focused attention on the ways of improving the quality of life, without increasing resource consumption. Engineers need to be participating in the associated debates, partly to ensure that they are well-founded technically. Energy Resources and Use Energy is the most important of all resources. The unlimited availability of fossil fuel can no longer be taken as given .Pricing of resources that look into account the cost of synthesizing them when economically viable resources have been depleted would see quite different approaches to energy policy. The resources used for the production of electricity are coal, natural gas, crude oil, nuclear, hydroelectric, and geothermal. The effectively use of limited resources is essential, because it able to minimizes the output of carbon dioxide and waste heat, both are potential threats to the stability of the biosphere. Coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear electricity are all associated with significant pollutants or hazardous byproducts. The resources are also nonrenewable, meaning that the world will, sooner or later, completely consume the energy source. Nuclear power supply is able to supply further fissionable material, but the technical and cost problem is still present, which seek to identify and take account of all the cost involved, including the environment impacts. Primary energy sources can be convenient for handling and stockpiling, and it may necessary to convert into other type of energy forms, in which they are finally used as end-use energy. Thermal energy can be produce in the form of work, or work output by subtracting any heat wasted or rejected from the heat input. In real situation process heat is wasted, so is a need to have a definition of efficiency that quantifies losses in the conversion process. The exergy of a system is the maximum amount of useful work that could be obtained from the system at a given state in the specified environment. The process is undertaken and work extracted until the output is maximized. The exergy destroyed is proportional to the entropy generated and is a measure of the irreversibility of a process. An important consideration when choosing the energy for any application is the energy quality. There are mainly three criteria to be considered. First is the ease of extracting the energy, second is the ease of transporting and storing the energy, last but not lease is the ease of transforming the energy from one form to another. In processing plants heat and the electricity is needed, the efficiency of the system can be increased by burning fuel to generate steam at higher temperature and pressure than is required by the process. Beside that some form of high-quality energy can be converted directly into electricity without use of a heat transformation cycle. Energy Use-Energy Information Administration The demand for end-use energy varies considerably with time. The pattern and degree of variability reflect geographical location and contain a random element relating to the weather. There is also variation corresponding to the hourly usage pattern. Basically electricity can be divided into relatively constant base load and highly variable peak load. Electricity cannot be store. One means of storing electrical energy is pumped storage. In thermal power station, when the demand of electricity is high, the water will allow to run down through turbines, and converting the potential energy into electricity. For most part, it is necessary to match electricity supply to demand by appropriate selection and running of generation plant. Gas turbines are particularly flexible in operation. They can run on oil and natural gas, and the fuel can be changed during running. Furthermore, the open cycle gas turbines do not need a supply of cold water for cooling. The gas turbine can be used with a steam turbine to produce a combined cycle lead to a very efficient unit. The gas turbine can withstand high combustion temperature, and the exhaust heat from the gas turbine is then used to raise steam for a steam turbine cycle. In marketing and other commercial analyses, environmental damage is often treated as an externality. As a result it tends to overused, because most economic decision are make by the operator of private companies that do not pay for environment benefits. Good energy planning is able to develop a mechanism that ensures that the environment damage is minimized and any damage that occurs is charged against the organization. Local decentralized energy system able to reduce energy lodes because smaller system have shorter lead times and respond more effectively to unexpected changes in demand pattern. Due to substantially increase in RD, a new generation of large turbo generators would be significantly more efficient in consumption of fuels, resulting in a reduction in green house effect. Least-cost planning is one of the methods that could be applied. It suggests that the cheapest way to meet energy needs is to open the market. Apart from that lifestyle changes is another factor that effect on energy consumption. Automobile engine efficiencies can be improved, and the mass of the vehicle must be reduced. Other than that less over lighting, overheating, and overcooling of buildings and the recuperation of waste heat in industry could further reduce electricity and oil consumption. Converting solid or gaseous fuels into liquid fuels involves high cost and creates large amounts of greenhouse gases. There has long been enthusiasm for solar energy-generated hydrogen as an ideal, sustainable energy source. The use of hydrogen as a fuel for transportation and power generation presumes an extensive supply infrastructure. The power alcohol from sugar or cassava is also possible supplements as an alternative to oil for transportation but the cost of production is double or three times than petroleum. Future energy policy will be influenced as much by the environmental factors and by security of supply consideration as by technical developments. Energy supply authorities should also make a mandate for conservation rather than promotion of energy use. Sources of Renewable Energy The main renewable energy sources used are biomass, hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, and wind. First the renewable energy hydropower is able to provide significant energy. Hydropower uses the energy of flowing water to turn the turbine, which rotates a generator to produce electricity. Wood leading biomass energy resources for power generation, because it is use as a boiler fuel in the lumber, pulp and paper industries. Furthermore, the municipal waste and agricultural waste plants are also the biomass generators. These plants use such diverse feedstock as sugarcane residue, rice hulls, rice straw, nut shells, crop residues, and pruning from orchards and vine yards. Passive solar energy for lighting and heating is probably the most effective energy sources. The passive solar energy system uses little mechanical hardware and required little or no electrical energy to respond. For simple application such as low and medium temperature water heating, space heating and commercial building the solar energy is use instead of fuel combustion. This able reduces costs and environment impact, provided the solar collectors are well design made. Furthermore, the electricity is able to generate in the solar thermal system that collect the thermal energy in solar radiation. Other than that direct conversion of solar energy to electricity is able to achieve by using the solid state photovoltaic cell. Wind energy had been used to pump water, grind grain and electricity generation. The best side to locate the wind turbine to generate electricity is in the mountain area. Wind turbine had been design in order to capture the windà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¾Ã ¢s energy, and usually the wind turbine mounted with two or three blade, and is mounted on the tower. To improve the turbine design, the blade have to be flex, and able to limit the speed of the blade. Ecological Studies Ecological studies include the result of resource consumption and the technology system come along, by looking into the need to move toward sustainability. Ozone layer is form by combination of 3 atoms of oxygen. In the stratosphere is make up 3km layer, and act as a layer to protect the living from ultraviolet radiation. Some chemical substances such as CFC are able to destroy the ozone layer, and causing the green house effect. The Earthà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¾Ã ¢s atmosphere able to absorbs the infrared radiation that coming from the sun, but not the visible light. Due to the energy radiated out by the earth in these two bands is adsorbed in the atmosphere and this heat is than reradiated and reflected back to the earth keeps it warm. Stabilizing human population pressure and limiting human consumption of nonrenewable resources are essential steps in moving towards global sustainability. Currently the world is facing the large human popularity problem, such as in India, and China. The government of China had limits each family to have one child only. Soil degradation is another problem that created by human activities. The main causes of this problem were overgrazing, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practice. The destruction of the rainforest by building the hydroelectric power station has become an issue, deforestation had destroy the biological diversity natural habitat. Ecological problem such as soil degradation and rainforest destruction mostly cause by engineer. However as a creator of the problem, engineer should create solution by using technology to solve the problem. The disposal of radioactive and toxic material and also domestic, commercial, and industrial waste will be under the waste management category. All the domestic and industry waste need to be process separately. For example the plastic is separate from the waste stream, than sorting it, and finally only go to recycling. Sustainability The function of ecological sustainable development is to make the process of environment assessment become much wider as part of resource management, rather than each project is done individually. There are 5 sustainable development principle fix by the commonwealth government 1990. First is the integration of environmental and economic goal for all policy and activities. Second, ensuring that environmental assets are appropriately valued. Third, by providing for equity within and between generations. Fourth, dealing cautiously with risk and irreversibility. Fifth, recognizing the global dimensions and irreversibility. In order to counter the climate change problem, the country should adopt the national greenhouse response strategies. Cooperate between the government and industry is also needed. The Kyoto conference in 1997 target is to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of each country. Thing does not go as plan easily, many problem arise in which the constraints and requirements of available energy resources, ecological considerations, and the growth of the economy can appear to be mutually incompatible. Therefore the ecology, economics, and energy need to be reconciled as a ways to counter the problem. Conclusion As conclusion, both national and international levels should work together to develop the new technology to overcome the exciting problem. Engineers have a major responsibility for conservation of the natural and environment. On the other hand, industrial societies need to have a technology revolution that relies on renewable energy flows. Last but not lease, engineers should take the initiative to lead the interdisciplinary team to develop and move toward a sustainable environment.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Social Media Article Review
The social network where no one knows your name Itââ¬â¢s a new social network called Social Number, lists users by a number, not by name. It's the latest and greatest thing in an ongoing debate about being online and anonymous. The CEO of the company sees it as a complement to open social networking. Users say they appreciate being able to talk freely without fear of being judged. You can discuss anything and everything. You have a message board that you post questions and other people on that website can respond to that thread.Social Number users say they find value in being able to openly talk about sensitive topics without worrying about alienating or offending anyone. You have a message board that you post questions and other people on that website can respond to that thread. I think this a good thing to have, where people can express their feelings without having feedback from other people that they know mainly so they donââ¬â¢t offend them. You can talk about how to deal with a bad boss, politics, jobs, friends, the ups and the downs of life al can be discussed here without having your name put on a social network.This is also good for people who want to vent and have other peopleââ¬â¢s opinion. Another good thing about this anonymous social network is that there is no bullying or threats. For some people expressing your political views on a social network will get attacked by people who are friends with them. As we all have a freedom of speech, I donââ¬â¢t believe that anyone should be ââ¬Ëattackedââ¬â¢ because they have their own opinion. http://www. cnn. com/2013/01/29/tech/social-media/social-number-anonymous/index. html? hpt=li_c2
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Born Into Families Without Great Wealth Or Notable Prestige
Born into families without great wealth or notable prestige a thousand years apart, two men influenced not only literary history but also the ideals of man in a relationship with God. During the mid-years of their lives, Dante Alighieri and St. Augustine de Hippo studied the religious climate of their generations and experienced transformations in their lives bringing about personal spiritual enlightenment. Affected by the state of the church, Christianity, and their moral indiscretions, both Dante and Augustine wrote responsively towards their personal beliefs and values shaped by distinctive circumstances. The compositions of Confessions and The Divine Comedy highlight the spiritual journeys of these two authors. In addition, theseâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Chadwick stated Augustine ââ¬Å"did not think of Manichee adherence as a break with Christ, but only with the Church of which he was highly criticalâ⬠(Chadwick 2009). However, after several years of following this ty pe of ââ¬Å"religion,â⬠Augustine began to become skeptical and harbor doubts about everything he understood and believed from Mani. Doubt arose to the point that Augustine began a search to justify the Mani belief system. It was one such moment, ââ¬Å"listening to the Bishop of Milan, that Augustine became drawn to Christianityâ⬠(Puchner pp. 46). At first, Augustine intended to only listen and gain insight from the teaching of others. However, he found himself instead ââ¬Å"passing from Manichaeism into skepticism and soon found his way out of psychological deadlockâ⬠(Chadwick pp. 18; 27). Augustineââ¬â¢s process of learning came through self-evaluations and heading the words of trusted friends and fellow scholars of his time. Similarly, the religious climate of Danteââ¬â¢s life dealt with strife, however, during the medieval times it fell between the rule of the church and emperor. Dante grew up in a family with the means to provide for an education and he was a student ââ¬Å"keen on study and learningâ⬠(Musa, 1983). Unlike Augustine, Danteââ¬â¢s path to spiritual realization was a personal journey that revolved around his personal desires. Instead of focusing inward and spiritually, Musa states, that Dante ââ¬Å"applied his energies to philosophyâ⬠and developed his ââ¬Å"view of love as the mostShow MoreRelatedA Tragic Fate Caused by a Society Filled with Realism Essay1068 Words à |à 5 PagesArthur Miller, born in 1915, he is the greatest realistic master in the American theatrical circles in the post world period. Modern American society is the background of his many works, which portray common mans common life, fully reflect the real features of the American society in that peri od. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published /968 Eighteenth impression /986 ISBN 0-582-52306-0 Produced by Longman Singapore Publishers Pte Ltd Printed in Singapore Contents TO THE TEACHER I page I It s high
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
F. Scott Fitzgerald and Modernism - 779 Words
F. Scott Fitzgerald and Modernism During the roaring twenties, the United States was a blemished nation. Crime and corruption were at an all-time high, the bootlegging business was booming, and throughout all this, people were euphoric. This time period during the nineteenth and twentieth century was captured by numerous artists, writers, musicians, and entertainers in their attempts to break from traditional values in what is known as modernism. A modernist is in simple terms a rebel. One who dislikes normal conventions and hopes to rewrite and renew societal morals. These artists were rebels with a cause and fought to expose themselves to society. Fitzgerald is an iconic figure in modernism because he skews the perception of reality, rejects the stereotypical traditions, and exposes peopleââ¬â¢s struggles as the American Dream fades away and proves a nightmare. F. Scott Fitzgerald was fascinated by fame and fortune throughout his lifetime. His characters were as well. His modernist writing style often reflected how greed and a materialistic attitude destroyed people and condemned them from the start. Most of his novels were set in the midst of the roaring twenties where action and the city life engulfed people each night to the point where all problems seemed forgotten. Nevertheless, Fitzgerald wrote to expose how materialistic people struggled to find themselves while they lost faith in the American Dream. In The Great Gatsby, the main character and narrator, NickShow MoreRelatedThe Modernist Movement And Its Influence On Art1688 Words à |à 7 Pagesmovement that began at the start of the 20th century and lasted until around 1945.à One of the factors that helped shaped Modernism was the development of modern industrial societies as well as the rapid growth of cities.à Modernists rejected Enlightenment thinking and some even reject ed certain religious beliefs.à One characteristic,à possibly the most important one,à of Modernism was the idea of self-consciousnessà (Farah).à The Modernist movement would influence the literature written such as novelsRead MoreLost Generation By F. Scott Fitzgerald1396 Words à |à 6 Pageslevel with the advent of such a flow as the Modernism. Modernism Literature reached its peak in America from the 1920s to the 1940s. F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the most prominent representatives of this genre and entered Modernism in the United States above all as the first exponent of his ideas. In the works of Fitzgerald the topic ââ¬Å"Lost generationâ⬠is in disastrous pursuit of wealth that swept the young post-war America. The fact that Fitzgerald wrote about rich people and their lives is almostRead MoreExamples of Modernism in Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby Essay1070 Words à |à 5 Pages Great Gatsby Essay The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald shows many examples of modernism. Fitzgerald shows many modernism techniques like loss of control, alienation, corruption of the American Dream, breaking societyââ¬â¢s rules and feeling restless. Fitzgerald also shows modernism through the fragmented writing. One example of a modernism technique that Fitzgerald uses is loss of control. The characters often lose control and make bad decisions thatRead MoreA Modernist Examination of the Good Anna and the Great Gatsby1646 Words à |à 7 PagesA Modernist Examination of The Good Anna and The Great Gatsby Modernism is a movement characterized by the re-examination of literary styles, structures, content, and even human existence thought to be standard prior to 1900. The movement was all about looking at things in a new light, and trying to break the mold so long held by society as the norm. This movement took place in art, music, architecture, and as I will further discuss in this paper, literature. In this paper, I will discuss the modernistRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald893 Words à |à 4 PagesCamdon Green Mrs. Navarro English III 3 October 2014 From Party to Madness, And Everything In Between F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, ââ¬Å"First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes youâ⬠. ââ¬Å"The good lifeâ⬠can quickly dwindle into loneliness and sorrow, as portrayed in his masterpiece of a novel The Great Gatsby. Main character Jay Gatsby is an exceptional example of this. As Gatsby wanders throughout the novel trying to impress his lost love, Daisy Buchanan, throwing lavishRead MoreThe Absence of Love1030 Words à |à 4 Pagesof these things are items that people actually love, but more used to help get them through their daily lives invoking this sense of love. The writing of the modernism period has paralleled this transformation of love from a symbolic and romantic longing for a certain person to this word that carries no weight. During this period of modernism people became weak indeed and unable to make their own desertions thus keeping them from fully understanding love in its true form. The writers of this periodRead MoreEss ay on The Dust Jacket of The Great Gatsby723 Words à |à 3 Pagescomplexity in the final work. Interestingly, Fitzgerald never mentions the artistââ¬â¢s name in his correspondents with his editor Maxwell Perkins[2]. However, he does admit that it has a direct influence on the novel. In a correspondence written from France (estimated to have been written around august 17, 1924) Fitzgerald implores, ââ¬Å"for Christ sake donââ¬â¢t give anyone that jacket youââ¬â¢re saving for me, Iââ¬â¢ve written it into the bookâ⬠[3]. Moreover, Fitzgerald claims to have finalized the novel on NovemberRead MoreModernism in the Great Gatsby1190 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat is Modernism? This term was usually referred to as the literature era of the 1920ââ¬â¢s. During the ââ¬Å"Roaring Twentiesâ⬠, as most would say, was the time of flappers, gangsters, and the beginning of some of the most renowned literature known to the United States. One of the famous books written in thi s time was The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. Included in the Modernism Era were the focus on trends and the extreme effect materialism makes on the society of the 1920ââ¬â¢s. WithRead MoreTheme Of Naturalism In F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Awakening1358 Words à |à 6 Pagescountry divided by racism through his poems, ââ¬Å"Mother to Sonâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers.â⬠F. Scott Fitzgerald emphasizes the changes of America during the roaring twenties in The Great Gatsby to reveal the rise of a new social class, the ââ¬Å"new money.â⬠Throughout the movements of naturalism, the Harlem Renaissance, and modernism, authors such as Kate Chopin, Langston Hughes, and F. Scott Fitzgerald utilize symbols to evaluate the transformation of the American identity by demonstrating the closureRead MoreThe Influence of Fitzgerals Personal Life on The Gerat Gastby1035 Words à |à 5 PagesFitzgeraldââ¬â¢s Personal Life on The Great Gatsby Many authors find inspiration through real life experiences and transform them into works of literature to match how they want to portray them. Fitzgerald is no different, in fact, his personal life is a crucial factor in his writing style. Fitzgerald grew up with increasing numbers of difficulties, but found his way around them and incorporated those experiences into his novels. In order to achieve his goals, he began changing himself to fit social
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